Pendulum & Oracle Card Readings Workshop

 5th April Sydney 2020

Pendulums and oracle cards are ancient tools used to communicate intuitively with spiritual guides via your higher self.

Its a fun way to connect on a higher level and I have been using both tools for over 18 years achieving very accurate readings for myself and others.

This class is perfect for anyone who is a beginner or for anyone who wants to practice and share their intuitive skills with like minded people. There will be plenty of topics covering how to use pendulums and oracle cards for self readings and one on one readings. (Students that have attended my Oracle Intuitive Reading Workshop are welcome to join this class and will receive a discounted price)

Need to bring a note book, your favourite deck of oracle cards and pendulum.

Starts at 9am till 12pm

Investment $100, full payment needed to lock in a spot. Bookings are essential.

If you are an Intuitive Oracle Card Student of mine and would like to do this class there will be a $15 student discount.

Looking forward to share the fun with you

Love & Sparkles






 Intuitive Oracle Readings Workshop

Sunday 22nd March-Sydney 2020

Be inspired by learning the ancient and intuitive art of reading your favourite deck of oracle cards.

This is a great way to get together with friends or like minded people and learn how to develop your own intuition by connecting to your favourite deck of oracle cards.

Perfect class for beginners or for anyone who would like to practice their intuitive gift professionally.

The theme of this class is to gain intuitive confidence in yourself when using your beautiful oracle cards and learn everything there is to learn when it comes to this ancient practice.

I have been an International Intuitive Psychic Reader for the past 20 years and I absolute love my job!

I initially started reading oracle cards as a tool to connect my personal journey to my mindfulness practice. The experience was so profound that eventually I started using oracle readings in conjunction to my massages and healing to add an extra layer to the sessions which my clients still love to this day.

Professionally my intuitive readings practice launched me to a whole different level when my journey was blessed in 2014 with the opportunity to be showcased on the media as a regular Psychic Reader on a national television show called PTV Australia. I was also hosting my own International Psychic Radio Show in 2017.

In the last 10 years I have been sharing all my experience and knowledge by teaching my professional Intuitive Oracle Readings Workshops.

Topics and Techniques in this workshop include:

Greater Intuitive Awareness

Myth and Superstitions

Psychic Development

Energy Clearing and Protection

3 Card Readings

Celtic Cross Spread

Code of Ethics

Student Practice

This workshops is taught at a professional and comprehensive level.

A certificate will be issued at the end of the day leaving you the option to add a new intuitive level to your current professional status or to simply share the fun insights of the intuitive oracle card readings with family and friends. What ever you decide I have no doubt it will influence your life for the better!

Here are some testimonials.....
"Josy is warm, witty and kind. Her approach to teaching is supportive and practical yet exquisitely magical.
I've gained more confidence in one class than in years of practice. Thank you for your gifts Josy"

"I have never truly understood how to read Oracle Cards, but being a part Josy's Intuitive Oracle Card Workshop really provided me with the insights I needed to gain an understanding on how to use this cards and learn how I can gain clarity and share insights with others too. The workshop was fun and loved that everyone in the workshop was given lots of time to ask questions and practice doing readings for others.The day just flew by as the workshop was engaging and would strongly recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to learn to use Oracle Cards and to learn from someone so full of wisdom and experience. Thank you Josy for sharing your knowledge with me."

Sits for this workshop are limited, please send an email on or contact me on
0407 061 615 to lock in your spot.

Workshop starts at 10am till 5pm. Investment $195 a non-refundable deposit of $65 or full payment is needed to lock in your spot. It includes, a Certificate of Completion and a colourful Intuitive Oracle Readings Manual designed by me for you to keep. Need to bring your own deck of oracle cards and a smile.

Looking forward to share the magic with you all

See you there