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30 Days NO-NUTS DIET Challange

My personal commitment to be happy and stay happy consist on sticking to a NO-NUTS DIET. A honest responsible approach to keep me away from nutty people or people that simply make me nuts!!! We all know a Nut at work, have a Nut in the family or not being able to get away from a Nut within your social group.

I don't mean a cute funny harmless nut, we need them in our life, they make us smile.  I am referring to the people who choose to see things in a negative perspective, invading your space with their opinionated views and creating a very dark vortex. This topic has being popping up alot lately with my clients, friends and family members. All feeling challenged at different levels and feeling stuck to a Nut!

So i decided to share my No-Nuts Diet with you.

The unpleasant power of a Nut is something that i believe we have all experienced at some stage of our life. Think about it, have you ever felt irritable, spaced out with clattered thoughts, right after being in the presence of a very negative person? Or wondered why you are feeling flat, cranky with a throbbing headache after walking away from a negative group of people? 

I see this issue at Inner Light Therapies all the time, clients booking their treatment in desperate need of tlc, or students asking at my workshops "how do i cleanse my energy from that negative person?' all unaware that they just had an allergic reaction to Nuts.

NO-NUTS DIET was my organic way to keep me aware of my negative surrondings and stay true to my spiritual commitment to be happy and balanced by creating boundaries. It wasn't easy at first, but practice makes perfect and I have been dieting for so long, now i can smell a Nut from miles away!!

Creating boundaries with compassion for myself and my surroundings was the first thing i had to put into practice, it got simpler as i understood that i had the power to change it by taking charge of the situation. I opened my heart and mind to a different level of awareness and was determined to stick to it. After a while to my surprise i relised all my efforts and discipline paid off, i was no longer allergic to nuts, I WAS FREE.

So here i am, sharing my diet with you and I would like to invite you to take the challenge of The 30 Days NO-NUTS DIET, starting today 3rd September, I will post throughout the challange different quotes and techniques that worked for me and that i teach at my workshops to help you along, remember the more you practice the easier it will get its up to you to stick to it. Feel free to share your personal challenges, frustating stories and your personal progress on this blog or facebook i will follow the journey with you all the way to a healthier and happier way of life.

Share this blog or facebook page with your friends, collegues, family, or to anyone you believe will benefit from the challenge, you can also choose to take the challenge as a group and share the fun.

Thank you for taking the challange and enjoy your Nut Free Diet



Love & Sparkles

Josy :)

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This is going to be a hard challenge but I’m up for it! Like a lot of people I feel surrounded by NUTS, I’m trying to change aspects of my life but I constantly feel dragged down. It’s hard to stay positive when there is so much darkness & negativity around.

August 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKris

Sounds like a good plan! But it might mean I won't be able to step into work for 30 days though lol!

Now is the diet about complete avoidance or just mental awareness of a nut and thus being in right frame of mind not to let them influence feeling?

August 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterK D

Well said Jos and so true, the challenge is on!! :)

August 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChallenger

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