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JULY 2014 falls under the vibration of the number 5


JULY 2014 falls under the vibration of the number 5 this year......

For any one who is born on the day 5th,14th, 23rd or born on the month of May or if you already know your numerology advanced chart and have one or more 5's this July is your month and it can be full of possibilities or challenges depending on where your state of balance is at. So let me explain how numerology and colour therapy can help you see which side you might be in and turn it into your best accomplishment.
Been born in May myself I know very well what to expect this month and I have already roared on 1st July "Bring it on, I am ready!". So let me share with you some insights that might assist you too if you are feeling blocked this month.
As a healer and a massage therapist on a physical form I have already noticed in the last 2 days complains around the throat chakra eg. muscular pains on the neck area, sore throat with flue symptoms or gastro due to viruses entering through mouth and nose, these are normally conditions that have been building up slowly and the number 5 vibrations pushes it out so that it can bring awareness and free choice to fix it on a deeper level which brings me to the next form, the emotional one.
The number 5 vibration demands freedom of speech and spirit so if you have been unable to discuss your late or old challenges this vibration will push you to create a positive change by causing a physical reaction of discomfort, so don't be too upset if you feel unwell this month, simply take the time to rest, contemplate on your emotional blockages and spiritual challenges and work with a gentle flow towards creating the right change for you. Remember that this vibration demands permission to speak so honour it by using your voice to a stranger, a healer, a loved one or even a professional counsellor as longas you take the first step the flow will take you there, you can even take the time to write it down and express it that way.
The colour turquoise is connected to the vibration 5 and if you need an extra push to help you with your healing colour therapy is very gentle and effective. Symbolically is connected to space, clarity, expansion, protection, possibilities, water element, moon energy and adaptability. Due to the water element connection it also help to add more fluids and fish to your diet for the month of July.
If you are in the positive of this vibration you will rock it this month! It will make you feel excited about the changes that you are going to create, most of you will be attracted to the different shades of blues and your communication will flow with ease, perfect month to plan future studies and travel.
I hope this July is good to me and to you and may you sparkle right through it!

Love and Bliss



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