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October 2014 falls under the vibration of the number 8

October 2014 falls under the vibration of the number 8, so what does that mean you may ask?
Well for anyone who is born on the month of August, born on the day 8, 17, 26, if your Destiny number is 8 or simply has a lot of 8's on the birthday, or on your advanced numerology chart, this month could be a very challenging one on Personal Empowerment.

The number 8 is connected to the planet Saturn which governs restrictions on our desires, this restrictions are always presented by outside authorities in simple words by people that have an ego and abuse their authority to bring you down. Let me tell you by experience most of my clients get really upset when confronted with this vibrations as it is a very karmic energy as your values, morals, beliefs and ethics get put on a public stand. The reason for this is due to the negative side of the vibration 8 which fuels the authoritarian people by some very strong and low emotions like jealousy, pride, impatience and intolerance and it can be sparked in any aspects of life eg. work, family, love, travel and even health.

Now don't worry its not all bad news, the beauty of numerology is that it will give you the awareness needed to understand your challenges and show you how to tap into the positive side of the vibration to EMPOWER THE SELF.

Ok so the positive vibration 8 is represented by the Magician card in the Tarot Deck and also by the symbol of Infinity. Both are very strong positive karmic influences which means what seem an impossible situation canactually be overcome by simply gaining your power back and to do so with a smile, and a voice that shows strong ethics, strength and compassion. Definitely not an easy task I know, particularly when the situation is so bad that all you want to do is give it back with a passion! But, if you stop and think about it for a moment it makes sense that this could be the perfect opportunity, the so called divine timing to challenge your dark side don't you think?

All you need to do is step back and understand the vibration you are sitting on and find the Spiritual Warrior that we all have within us. By choosing this pathway the choice to either cut cords, forgive or accept is no longer a challenge.This beautiful qualities are enhanced by the positive vibration of the number 8 and once you have gained the wisdom you will never loose it. This positive vibration brings a lot of good luck and prosperity in all aspects of life. It has certainly helped me in a lot of my challenges.

The colour associated with 8 is gold or any shades or warm sparkles. If you are struggling in any situation this month try to wear a little gold to bring your vibration or mood to a more optimistic level as gold is a natural carrier of high energy and it will automatically uplift you and give you the courage and strength to face any negative situation.

I hope this information will empower you to face any challenges this month and remember to keep smiling!

Love and Gold Sparkles


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